“I Am Good!”

“I am good.”  Say this today, even when you think otherwise.  Know you are good – it matters.

I’ve written about negative self-talk before and how it harms who we are wishing to become.  I think it’s important to remind ourselves that we are good people. But it’s so easy to listen to the wrong voice.

When we keep putting ourselves down we remind ourselves that we are not good and wonder how anyone could possibly like us.  And then we get into this repeating cycle and bury ourselves deeper and deeper into despondency.

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Aunt Edna

Her neck jiggled with each chuckle

topped by ill-fitting teeth.

Six whirling children excited

quaint Aunt Edna.

Cat hair flung all over the messy room,

a room soaked in warmth

wanting echoes of screaming children

delighting in freedom.

Melted chocolate chips wafting.

Cookies cooling on the counter.

Six-year-old fingers juggle heat

and then feast with the cat in secret.

Warm arms, pillowy bosom

(not found at home).

Sink into warmth

Of love long needed.

In the scatter lived a safe place

that welcomed uncertain children

with a gentle, flavored air,

pulsing with Aunt Edna’s aroma.

A New Year, A New Decade, An Evolving You

As we look forward to what might come in the New Year, even the New decade, I think it’s important that we remember to stay true to the self we know we are inside.

Too often we let other people and external events dictate our path and decide what we should do.  I think it’s important that we know what we value, what we believe, and remain true to those, regardless of external pressures.

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Act On Your Dreams

Act on your dreams.  Be bold in your actions.  Some will be suspicious but do it anyway.

Far too many times we hide who we really are and who we want to be.  We have these grand thoughts of what we would like to do but we cover them up, push them deep down inside ourselves because they might go against “the norm.”

We think others might ridicule or scorn us for these dreams or for the way we would like to live.  And, most importantly I think, we hide what we truly believe about life, especially spirituality.

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Sufficient, But Not Finished

Make your journey one of compassion.

Be still and know that who you are today and what you have now is sufficient, but not finished.

Far too often we’re not satisfied with where we are and what we have.  It seems we’re always searching for something more, something in the future that we think we must have in order to be satisfied and happy.

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Be Strong In Your Convictions

Be Strong in your Convictions

When you believe in something, don’t let go or give up.  Be strong in your conviction that this is what you must do.

When things get tough, don’t take the easy road.  Don’t give up on yourself. Know why you chose the path you’re on and then remain true to it.  Be strong in your conviction that what you’re doing is what you need to be doing right now!

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