“I am good.” Say this today, even when you think otherwise. Know you are good – it matters.
I’ve written about negative self-talk before and how it harms who we are wishing to become. I think it’s important to remind ourselves that we are good people. But it’s so easy to listen to the wrong voice.
When we keep putting ourselves down we remind ourselves that we are not good and wonder how anyone could possibly like us. And then we get into this repeating cycle and bury ourselves deeper and deeper into despondency.
The trick really is to change your self-talk, to change what you think about yourself and what you say to yourself. No, it’s not easy but then we’ve been doing it all of our lives and it’s a cycle that we’ve had lots of time to practice.
Maybe it’s one attribute of yourself or one skill that you have that you use to begin to make a difference to yourself. I’ve recently read a great book about writing poetry and it makes absolute sense to me. As a result, I’ve been writing more poems (you can read the one I wrote as a result of this book here). And now I’ve even begun to think of myself as a poet! What a change in attitude for me and my writing.
It really does matter that your inner voice is a positive voice. Sure, we may still call yourself unnecessary names and I doubt that we’ll ever stop doing that. But what we need to do when we catch ourselves doing this is to stop, remind ourselves that we don’t do that any longer, and then give ourselves a positive thought.
I know from personal experience that this is a difficult habit to break but I think it’s exactly that, a habit. And habits can be broken, we just have to be deliberate and determined to break them.
If these words leave you with anything, I hope it’s that you realize you can change and that you must find a way to change your thoughts. Be your own superhero – now there’s a bold way to make the changes you want to make. Rescue yourself and your thoughts will change. I know, because it’s working for me.