How do we choose when we don’t know where we want to go because we don’t know why?
Yes, we want to go somewhere. No, we don’t need a map. Wrong. Not only do you need the map but you had to decide first why you were going somewhere.
Why don’t we map out our own self-discovery as well?
We try to but I think we get lost because we don’t know “WHY” we want to go on this journey. What’s your deep-seated reason? Is it health? Spiritual? Education?
Why do you want to do this? Understand that, or at least be open to honestly asking the question and seeking the answer, and you are then ready to begin. Learn to listen to your inner voice because I truly believe that the guidance is there.
We want our lives to stand for and mean something, which means we want to know our why. That’s the first step of the journey. Additionally, if we’re wanting to change the person we are, we need to know why we want to.
My journey is a spiritual one (at least, that’s the one on the top of my list but health is a close second). I’ve always believed that there is something more out there that’s also to be found inside; in our hearts, if you will.
That’s my spiritual why. That’s what I seek and question all the time. Now I’m ready to begin my journey and this, in my view, is the more difficult task. We know why we’re on the journey but finding the answers or the path is difficult.
One idea that I’ve always liked and that I don’t think too many people know about is to write out your personal manifesto, your life’s action plan, your vision for your life. Whether you journal or just want to use regular notepaper, write out your responses to all of the above:
- What’s your deep-seated WHY? This is understanding your purpose as well so write that down as well.
- What do you want your life to stand for and mean? When others look at you, what do you want them to see? And can they see it or are you keeping your secret why hidden, perhaps fearful of being ridiculed or not accepted?
- Why do you want to make changes?
- What’s your truth? What defines the essential you?
Now, what steps are you going to make to actually do these? I think it’s important we write these down because that will help formalize things, bring them into the light, let you ponder and then affirm.
I like to think with a pen on paper so that’s what I use. You may find a keyboard or even a digital recorder works best.
Whatever it is, I think it’s time to begin. I have!
Knowing your why helps you move towards your what.