The Value Of Friendships

I’m one of those people who far too easily give up on those who are close.  And to be completely honest, I don’t let them in at the time they could become even more valuable as friends.

I think we too often let opportunities to get to know better those we come in contact with.  This includes at work as well as any social gatherings or neighborhood get-togethers. We are given opportunities to matter to others and we (I) let them pass.

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Your Answers Are Yours To Be Lived

If it’s truth you seek don’t give up.  The answers might surprise you but they are yours to be lived.

It seems we grow up wanting to be adults and then when we get there, we let the expectations of society – others – dictate who we become and what we do.  We settle for society’s “truth” rather than let our own truth come out and be lived.

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Others Aren’t Fine, Either

We bury our pain and say, “I’m fine.”  We think others are happier and we’re alone – we’re not!

How often does someone say to us, “How are you?” And we reply, “I’m fine.”  We each then go our separate ways, having played an all too familiar game.

We’re not so fine all the time but we fear showing weakness or even fear.

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When Things Don’t Go As Planned

I’m sure for you, just like for me, there are many times when things don’t go as you planned or at least hoped for.  I’m writing this post right in the middle of one of these occasions for me and, to be honest, I’m quite upset.

We know we don’t control everything that happens in our lives.  But when they’re really important, even life-changing, when your plans fall through our reaction is to get angry and even lash out, in whatever form that might take.  I know I used a few choice words today that I don’t normally use.

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Trust Your Heart That Knows

trust your heart that knows

With courage look out at all you can be if you first trust the heart that knows.

We hear so often to trust your gut or your instincts or your heart.  But what does that really mean? I want to first touch on why we don’t.

How many of us find it easier to “follow the crowd” and do what they do?  I suspect we do it more often than we’re willing to admit. But isn’t it easier to “be like everyone else?”  Then we don’t stand out and we’re accepted.  These are very important but not the way we should live our lives.

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Answers Await The Seeking Heart

Beyond the trappings of life are other things to be gained.  Go deep in your search. Answers await the seeking heart.

I think we all try to live up to the expectations of society: the career, the family, the house, and the stuff.  This is all fine but far too often we forget that our inner needs are greater than our outer needs.

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“I Am Good!”

“I am good.”  Say this today, even when you think otherwise.  Know you are good – it matters.

I’ve written about negative self-talk before and how it harms who we are wishing to become.  I think it’s important to remind ourselves that we are good people. But it’s so easy to listen to the wrong voice.

When we keep putting ourselves down we remind ourselves that we are not good and wonder how anyone could possibly like us.  And then we get into this repeating cycle and bury ourselves deeper and deeper into despondency.

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