When you need inspiration, look to your dreams and so something – anything – that comes from the heart.
Far too often we allow ourselves to feel hopeless about where we are in life and what we’re doing. We wish to be doing something else and be someone else. We want to be spectacular and make a difference.
When I was a young man I wanted to do a very typical thing: be in a band as the lead singer, be famous, and make a lot of money. Well, I can’t sing. Never got serious about learning an instrument, and the money is an elusive dream we chase far too often.
But through this, I became aware of another dream and it took me another five years before I acted on it: writing. I dabbled in it for a while and then became serious and wound up writing a couple of Western novels.
When we look to our dreams for inspiration, we’ll often find it but in the finding, we must also be realistic. Our dreams will help us begin the journey but then we must take the first step towards accomplishing them. And that means we must do something, no matter how small a step it is, towards achieving our dream.
Our dreams may, and should, change as we make them a reality. They should evolve and we need to be open to their unfolding and be ready to shift direction as we move forward.
And how do we know when to shift and what to shift to? Listen to the pull of your heart. It will provide you with the nudges, much like my dream moved from performer to writer.
If you’re not sure what that looks like or how to listen, begin journaling or meditating. Don’t over-think it (I still do at times) and just go with the nudge from your heart. If you believe it is in the direction of your life’s purpose and passion, do it.
Begin with one small step, any step, in the direction of your dreams and you will live your life with excitement and joy. And always care for and help others and share your purpose with them.
Whatever we do, whatever we choose to inspire us, must come from the caring heart that must be listened to.