Be still and know that who you are today and what you have now is sufficient, but not finished.
Far too often we’re not satisfied with where we are and what we have. It seems we’re always searching for something more, something in the future that we think we must have in order to be satisfied and happy.
I think we need to stop searching sometimes and just be satisfied with what we have now. To take a deep breath and realized that who we are today, this very minute, is sufficient and that we should be grateful for.
We’ve worked hard to get to where we are now, both as an individual and as someone with material possessions that adequately sustain us. Do we really need that new electronic gadget or that new vehicle that will likely put us back in the “debt-house” when the vehicle we have now is paid for and still functioning just fine?
This is not to say that we shouldn’t keep striving and improving. But the focus needs to be on self-discovery and helping others. Our lives are made more complete when we put self-care and caring for others as our priority over things.
The “complete you” is always evolving but it isn’t done by gaining more stuff but, rather, by gaining and giving more compassion.
Yes, we have obligations we have to meet and we need things to meet those obligations but don’t make these your number one priority or you’ll always think you must have more and that then becomes your focus.
Who you are is more important and how you treat others is most important.
Focus on these and you’ll know you’re never done. We can always improve with our relationships and in our commitment to our values and beliefs. Make these your priority and be content with what you have; it’s sufficient although never finished.