Becoming who you know you are and want to be is not something that happens with the flick of a light switch and “Ta-Da, here I am.” It involves daily work (sometimes every single minute) and must have intention and determination.
It is the work itself that is the journey, the person you intend to be.
And how you carry out that work shows who you are becoming and who you intend to be.
The definition of work includes both mental and physical things people must do in order to achieve a purpose. But for my purposes here, I refer to work as being the path to self-discovery and becoming who we know we can be.
This is perhaps more difficult to know when we have achieved or have arrived because it is a continuous learning and becoming. I believe we always need to live our higher selves, which means our inner and spiritual selves. The one we keep hidden from others.
But yet others see through our charades, behind our masks, and know us better than we give them credit for. We often are fooling only ourselves when we try to show the world a face that we like and think is acceptable.
As an example: I typically kept myself withdrawn and aloof at work and yet also tried to use humor to help us all get through the day. It’s interesting that the feedback I received from my co-workers, and this was over a number of years from a number of people, was that I was calm and even a steadying presence when things were hectic and demanding. And I know the word, calm, resonated with me and knew it’s truth for myself.
We know our value, or at least suspect it, even as we try to ignore it with our self-defeating self-talk. Even though I knew I was a calm person at work and that it was helpful to others that I was, I still sometimes poo-pooed their accolades because I knew that my calmness was my way to control my anger – and I didn’t want them to see that side of me.
But your journey now is to explore the hidden self that you long ignored by burying it deep. But I’ll leave that for other posts. The purpose of this post is to acknowledge that:
The work you do
to become who you must be
is deliberate and daily
and you are it
even as you seek it.
In taking the steps to become who you know you are, you are on the journey you need to be on and must take your time with and do some “sight-seeing.” The “sight” you are seeing is you who is changing.
Even as you wish for it
and pursue it,
you are becoming it.
And “it” is the truth of you
lived out for others to see.
Thanks for reading and I wish you well on your own journey. Remember to stop and smell the roses of who you are and who you are becoming. Your true self matters to the world.