Listening To Your Voice

What calls to you from deep inside?  Listen to that voice, it’s who you’ve been looking for.

In a busy world, it’s hard to slow down and listen.  But even if we could, what are we listening for? Our jobs, family, even our free time dictate that we keep moving, do something useful, and not be seen as “a slacker.”  But there is something more and we block it out by keeping busy.

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Why Don’t We Do What We Know We Need To Do?

It’s impossible – those dreams Why Don't We Do What We Know We Need To Do?we have and the ideals we want to live up to – those things which we know we ought to do but don’t do.  And knowing we deliberately avoid these things says something – that we know what we are avoiding and make other poorer choices.  Well, our choices now may lead to problems later.

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A Couple of Christmas Ideas

I’m sure you’ve seen them: Christmas ideas10 Great Christmas Gifts, 5 Things to Do With Your Family, 1001 Great Christmas Quotes.  Of course, I’ve made those up (maybe they exist, but that’s not my point.)  We all fall for the 5 or 10 step programs, ideas, gifts…whatever.  So I decided to not do that.  Here are just a couple of ideas about Christmas.

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You Could’ve – You Debated – You Didn’t

Don’t you just love it when a great idea or opportunity Follow the road less travelledcomes along, you overthink it, and then you let it go? You’ve talked yourself out of it; a one-time thing that is forever gone. And then you always wonder what would have happened if you had only taken the chance and did it?

That happened to me 35 years ago, and I’ve always wondered what could have happened to me, where would I be today if I had made a different choice. At the time, I had to choose between a basketball scholarship and a job that would make me more money over the long run. Guess what I chose? More on that later.

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That Foggy Future We Don’t Know

“I watch people fade into the fog of their future as I gaze unknowingly into the haze of mine.”Our foggy future

Ah, the future.  What to do?  How to choose?  I want to be successful.  Will I be?  Will I be happy, have the things I want, live a good life?  Being rich and famous would solve everything, right?  Or maybe, for those of you who know the song, it’s an attitude of “Que sera, sera.  Whatever will be, will be.”  

I’m sure most of you have heard the phrase, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”  Great advice – if you’re feeling tough.  Not so great when you’re second-guessing and flip-flopping over every decision because you’re afraid of making the wrong one, so you don’t make any (which is a decision, by the way).

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Which Cliff Are We Jumping Off Today?

Which Cliff Are You Jumping Off Today?Remember the Disney song, “Following the Leader” from the Peter Pan classic movie? Or the story of the Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump in Canada? Or the phrase, ” when I say jump you say how high?” Monkey see, monkey do is not a bad thing, is it?

If you want to follow the crowd, disappear into the crowd, or please everybody all the time then this post is not for you. The Sunday comics await or the gangs going out for burgers and ice cream…off you go!

Still here? Read on if you want to stand on your own two feet (you are allowed to sit down and read this).

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I Passed A Grunting Man This Morning

Lost in my own private thoughts I saw a man walking towards me similarly distracted. For some unknown reason it behooved me to say, “Good morning”. He grunted, “Morning”

What? Wait! I believe that grunting is reserved for myself to give, not receive. There are others who  willingly give a curt grunt that, while it acknowledges you, it also says “leave me alone”? But for some bizarre reason I thought that delight was left to me. To be the recipient is not something I’m fond of.

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