When you believe in something, don’t let go or give up. Be strong in your conviction that this is what you must do.
When things get tough, don’t take the easy road. Don’t give up on yourself. Know why you chose the path you’re on and then remain true to it. Be strong in your conviction that what you’re doing is what you need to be doing right now!
Too often we succumb to our own mind games and go down the slippery slope of self-doubt. When I do this (and I do it regularly) it takes a great effort to say stop, back up, and start again. And there’s nothing wrong with doing this.
I think we need to realize that our path of self-discovery will sometimes become muddied and we’ll slip, fall, and think we’ve failed. Wrong. I think that’s when the greatest learning takes place and we must have the determination – the conviction – that our path is right but our foot merely slipped and we have to get up and carry on with our journey.
What we can’t do is give up. Look for an easy way out. Blame someone or something else outside of our own control. We have to choose to stay strong by staying true.
There will also be opposition from others: your family, your friends, and your co-workers. Don’t give in to this. They, too, are wanting to be on a better path and when they see you on yours, when they see the conviction you’re bringing to your goals, they will turn away with envy or uncaring or they will silently cheer you on – and maybe begin to have hope for their own lives.
When you follow your beliefs, when you are doing the things that you know to be right for you (not necessarily right for others) your step will become more firm and even pick up. Once we begin to see some success from our determination we will become even more determined to want more and we are on our way to becoming the person we want to become.
Remain strong in your conviction of what you know you must do!