A young adult’s spark, that dream they have, is too often blown out by society’s expectations.
We look back and remember the dreams of our youth. All the things we wanted to do and accomplish. Maybe we did some of them and for sure we didn’t do all of them. But our dreams knew no bounds.
When I think of my dreams and now my kids, I wonder what their dreams are? I wonder what it is that they want to change in the world. And then I wonder “what am I doing to help them?”
Sure, we want our kids to go to school, get a job, maybe get married and have kids, and have a nice home and things. But is that what they want?
I think that society squelches the dreams of young adults and puts old expectations on new opportunities. We don’t believe they can change the world but, do we encourage them to do so, regardless of what path that takes them on?
We too quickly put out what they’ve just begun to imagine.
Rather, we should be encouraging them in their dreams and with the changes they want to make. It’s their world, too, so they must be allowed to influence it and even change it.
We need to allow them to find their place, using their talents and their passion. Let them be the passionate people they are, with all the energy and enthusiasm they can bring.
Why, when they’re kids, do we allow them to dream big and tell them they can be anything that they want to be? But then when they’re young adults we tell them that they need to be realistic and follow the norms of society. Because that’s what we’re comfortable with?
I think that we (and I mean myself) need to back off and give them the freedom to express themselves and find their unique role and how they’ll contribute to the society they live in. Sure, they do need to be realistic – somewhat – but they also need to be our dreamers and achievers.
So the next time a young adult wants to share their dreams or what they believe with you, take the time to really listen and then encourage them to make the leap and see what happens. After all, if we’re so secure (which we’re not always) then they have us to catch them if they need us to. But many times, the fall is part of the learning.
Let them fall and let them rise. They’ll show us how strong they are!