As we look forward to what might come in the New Year, even the New decade, I think it’s important that we remember to stay true to the self we know we are inside.
Too often we let other people and external events dictate our path and decide what we should do. I think it’s important that we know what we value, what we believe, and remain true to those, regardless of external pressures.
We have to know ourselves and believe in ourselves in order to remain true to the road that is ours to travel. No one can do this for us nor should we let them.
Einstein said that “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” These words ring true for me and I hope they ring true for you as well. When we know we have problems, and often we are the creators of them, we have to shift our thinking to that of creating solutions.
I know this is not easy, I speak from personal experience. But I continue to work at thinking of myself as a better person and that I am good enough.
We need to evolve in who we are and the impact we want to have on the world. No one knows how much time they have left but we can all make our current lives matter: to ourselves and to people that we can help.
If I had one New Year’s resolution that’s what it would be: to make a difference in someone’s life. I can do this by caring for others and helping them. Sometimes all it takes is a listening ear, which helps the other person know that they matter, that they are important.
And as I look forward to the coming new year and the potential the coming decade has, I realize that my focus is to change my community, thereby changing the world. And changing for the better starts with knowing who I am and living my higher purpose.
We must live our truth and be bold in our convictions!
We must live our beliefs and not fear to let them be known. Too often we hide the very thing that we know we believe because we fear that others might ridicule or even shun us.
Be bold this year! Live from your heart! And you will live the person that you know you are.
Become someone’s hope. Become someone’s inspiration.