If it’s truth you seek don’t give up. The answers might surprise you but they are yours to be lived.
It seems we grow up wanting to be adults and then when we get there, we let the expectations of society – others – dictate who we become and what we do. We settle for society’s “truth” rather than let our own truth come out and be lived.
While there are many expectations we should allow, like our country’s laws, being respectful, and contributing meaningfully, we each have our own truth that we must begin with.
And we’re afraid of letting our truth be known.
Finding our own truth in who we are and what we must do is a lifelong search and doing. We need to be starting from our truth and make our decisions from there. For example, I’ve always believed that I’m part of “something more.” I’ve always felt that there is a spiritual force to which we belong. I haven’t always let this belief dictate what I do but it is underneath everything I think and do regardless.
Not to honor and live our truth is to bury our heart’s desires.
I think the thing that prevents us from doing this, I know it does for me, is the fear of ridicule or embarrassment we think we might receive from others. We think it’s very important that we each belong in society so we give in to its expectations rather than live up to our beliefs.
And if we don’t already know what our truths are, what those lines are in the sand that we won’t cross, how do we find them? This morning, I wrote in my journal: What are my truths? I’m going to spend a few days writing about this because, while I know them (I think) I realized in writing this post that I couldn’t necessarily list them out for you. This is me keeping things buried.
You see, we have to know what our truths are, what we believe in and stand for, so we can live our truths out loud, even when we think others might shun us.
Living our lives according to our personal truths is far too important to ignore.
The answers we each find, the answers to my journal entry, might surprise each one of us but we must find them and live them – and then they are ours to be lived.