With courage look out at all you can be if you first trust the heart that knows.
We hear so often to trust your gut or your instincts or your heart. But what does that really mean? I want to first touch on why we don’t.
How many of us find it easier to “follow the crowd” and do what they do? I suspect we do it more often than we’re willing to admit. But isn’t it easier to “be like everyone else?” Then we don’t stand out and we’re accepted. These are very important but not the way we should live our lives.
We’re always searching for answers and direction from “out there,” expecting that is the right way to behave and follow. That may be true – to a point. But that path leads us into not following our own heart; living that person that we know is inside.
So how do we know that the heart knows and that we should follow it? It’s far too easy to get ourselves twisted in a knot when we’re trying to be true to who we are. Plus we run the all too real risk of not following the crowd and – GASP – not being accepted.
Here’s what I do: I journal pretty much every day and write down what I’m struggling with or needing to know. One journal I have I refer to as “God Talks.” In this journal, I ask my deepest personal questions and I’m rarely ever left without an answer.
As I’m sure you can guess, this journal is a conversation between me and God. I’m not sure that I restrict it to the Christian God but I certainly believe that I’m communicating with God, or the Source or, as I most recently like to refer to it: Creator.
You see, I believe that we create with the one who created us and with each other. We create good. We help. We care. And this begins with personal conversations with one that is more than us but yet is us.
In recent conversations, it’s been about sharing this relationship with others and even sharing who I’m becoming with others. And then I realized that through my journalling, I was becoming what I refer to as “god-like.” In how I thought and in how I communicate and treat others.
And this change in me is coming from the heart and changing my relationships. And others are noticing and I’ve noticed they’ve become more open to me. Heck, I’m even hugging others easily when before I always held myself back.
So if you’re wondering how to start living from your heart and becoming that person you know you are inside then I would recommend some sort of journalling as I mentioned above. Have a conversation with that heart of yours. It’s always listening and always whispering.