Why Do I Want To Write? – Is It Money Or…

Why Do I Want To WriteThis evening I was listening to a Podcast by Simon Sinek from startwithwhy.com about starting with “your why”. And, of course, as any writer should do…I asked myself why do I want to write? Now, to be frank, I was listening to this while on the treadmill so it’s a little difficult to have pen and paper in hand to jot down the explosion of ideas that came spilling forth.

Whoa! Let’s slow down. Focus only on the basic question that Simon asks: Do you know your why? What is the purpose or what inspires you to do what you do? And, I think most importantly, what is the belief that drives what you to do or want to do.

With this focus in mind, here’s my take on why I want to write; and please note that this is not outlined or scripted, it’s simply me talking out loud.

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