Past pain, real or imagined, cannot be current pain. Leave it where it belongs, in your unchangeable memories.
Why do we wait so long to let go of the things, and people, that hurt us long ago? We carry past pain entwined throughout our lives into every decision and interaction for years.
This pain too often lashes out at those around us. Or we keep it bottled up inside, fearful of the day it explodes out against others, often those we care for the most. The profane word that escapes our lips will reveal what’s hidden inside.
So can we let it go? And if we can, how? If you’re like me you’ve carried things for years and have never honestly dealt with them. Slowly I’m releasing it – but far too many times it still comes exploding forth.
Here’s something I’m getting better at: more and more I’ve learned to stop in the moment, recognize that I have hurtful memories, and then say, “There’s nothing I can do about that. It’s a memory and I control how I think about it.” This is working for me.
Name it for what it is: a painful memory that you cannot change. What you can change is how you think about it today and whether or not you’ll let it influence your decisions and your life.
We have to let go of what we can’t change!
Once you realize that your painful memories aren’t controlling you any longer, you will begin to get a sense that it is possible to let them go. Take that possibility and make it a reality.
This then clears the way to another determination we each need to make and that is to live from the heart, not the pain. It really changes how you make decisions and live. I’ve discovered other things began to happen when I changed my thinking and even now when I look back I can only shake my head in wonder at how things come together.
None of us are perfect. Many (everyone, I think) have some sort of pain and far too many of us still carry that around today. Your heart is the bandaid to your pain. Apply gently.