I wouldn’t have to guess if I’m loved
I wouldn’t have to guess if there’s a God…or a Source…or a Living Universe
Or whatever is out there, that I want in here
If I didn’t have to guess about life
I wouldn’t have to wander the streets alone
I wouldn’t have to guess if others knew I was alive
And knew that they passed me by
If I didn’t have to guess – but just knew
I could cast away my doubts
I could be more
I could achieve more
I could have more
I could love, because I wasn’t so busy guessing
But I’m left guessing
Left wondering
Left doubting
Left less secure
Left second-guessing myself
Left alone with my unanswered questions
But why must I guess?
Why must I seek?
Why must I feel alone among many?
Because to guess, to ask, to want
Is the way there from here