Gratitude: Now And Still To Come

Gratitude: there’s more than you thought and more still to come.

Gratitude – everyone’s talking about it, journaling about it, expressing it, and writing books about it.  But for many of us, we tend to ignore it and not give it proper reflection.

Do some have more to be grateful for than others?  I don’t think so. I think that some, and this includes me, don’t give gratitude enough time in our thoughts and journaling.  I have at least two journals that have a place to write down what I’m grateful for on a daily basis. But I’m not consistent with this and can even go at least a month without giving it much thought.

What about you?  Do you find it easier to ignore what many say is a way to heal?  Let me ask you this: if you look, are there people and things that you are truly grateful for?

We need to become aware of even the small things that we should be grateful for.  Things that we take for granted: breathing, walking, health, just to name a few. Have you ever stopped and realized how grateful we should be for these things?  Take any of them away and your life is changed, sometimes dramatically.

We all have people who are important to us.  Family, friends, co-workers, even those we meet in public.  Be grateful for the people in your life and the fact that they’re in your life.  Sure, we can criticize some and even scoff at them but that’s not being fair with them or yourself.  

Find the good in each one of them and be grateful for their place in your life.  This will change your view of them and how you treat them. It will also change how you view yourself when you recognize the value in another.

When I began to be grateful for my co-workers, my attitude towards them changed and I found myself more interested in their lives, even their successes.

Isn’t this worth pursuing when it helps them and ourselves?  Wouldn’t you rather be more content and realize this through gratefulness?

For me, the answer is, “Yes.”  I will be grateful and I will take the time to write it in my journal and show others the truth I wish to live.  What about you? Is it worth it to you?

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