You can pause in this moment and choose what you know to be right.
We have so many choices to make each day, each week, and each month. But don’t forget the importance of your choice in the moment you are in.
But how many of you, like me, will still make the choice we know to be wrong in the moment we make it? We know it might harm us and make us feel smaller than we are, but we do it anyway.
I’m not talking necessarily about physical harm but more emotional and even spiritual harm. We’re just getting going in living the life we want to be living and becoming the person we want to become and then BAM! we choose the thing that harms and even sets us back. Then the negative self-talk begins and we’re doubting ourselves all over again.
What we need to remember – and practice – is that right at the moment when the choice is still ours we need to make the right choice, the choice that helps ourselves. If you pause and listen, you can feel your heart pulling you in the right direction. Let it! Follow it!
If you ignore your heart and follow your mind (ego) and give in to the momentary satisfaction of doing what you know you shouldn’t, then you will harm yourself. We do this far too often and sometimes it’s because we want to prove how “bad” we are and that we’ll never “amount to much.” Stop it! Change it!
Take a deep breath. Get up if you’re sitting. Sit if you’re pacing. Even get down on your knees or go for a walk. Change what you’re doing and change what you’re thinking. Each of us must find a way to choose right. And choosing right means choosing our higher self, that good person that we want to be.
So pause. Reflect. And make the choice that helps.