Answers Await The Seeking Heart

Beyond the trappings of life are other things to be gained.  Go deep in your search. Answers await the seeking heart.

I think we all try to live up to the expectations of society: the career, the family, the house, and the stuff.  This is all fine but far too often we forget that our inner needs are greater than our outer needs.

The heart tends to trouble us with its concerns: helping others (beyond our immediate family), being passionate about causes, even growing our spirituality, whatever that might mean to each of us.  And in our busy lives, we shouldn’t forget the prodding of our hearts.

We need to pause, become still, and listen to what the heart has to say.  These answers won’t come in a bolt of lightning or from the scratch of a lottery ticket.  They won’t appear on a billboard nor, most likely, from a life-changing dream we have.

Rather, answers from the heart need to be sought, asked, and even meditated upon.  Whether you do formal meditation or, like me, meditate through the writing of words, you must find a way that allows you to open yourself up to these deeper things.

We cannot be afraid of asking these deeper questions and, more importantly, following these answers when we find them.  I know we have to do the outer things in order to survive but I also know that we must do them from a place of knowing, a place that our heart resides in.

For a long time, I pursued my job and the raising of our kids.  But when I look back I see so many opportunities when I could have done (should have) done this soul-searching and been honest enough with myself to listen to and heed the answers that were mine for the taking.

My recommendation: don’t put off searching for the very thing that your heart knows you need.  We’re never so busy building a life that we can’t stop and create from the heart. Stop and think of how this will make you a better parent, a better co-worker, and even a better and more helpful member of your community.

The things we seek in the world are attainable.  The things we seek from the heart are but waiting for us to pay attention.

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