Act on your dreams. Be bold in your actions. Some will be suspicious but do it anyway.
Far too many times we hide who we really are and who we want to be. We have these grand thoughts of what we would like to do but we cover them up, push them deep down inside ourselves because they might go against “the norm.”
We think others might ridicule or scorn us for these dreams or for the way we would like to live. And, most importantly I think, we hide what we truly believe about life, especially spirituality.
We fear being shunned and not accepted so we play the game of a safe life, an expected life of who we should be and how we must act.
Somehow, though, we must find the courage to allow these innermost desires and beliefs to be lived in our lives. We must become that which we know ourselves to be and stop fearing living it in the world.
I played this game for years and it’s only in my later years that I am now wondering why I’ve let others constrain me. Now I’m being honest with myself and allowing my deep-rooted beliefs to come to the forefront of my life and allowing others to see this part of me.
It’s difficult however to allow yourself to be open and even vulnerable. But yet here’s what I’m finding as I do so: others are accepting me and even opening up with their own thoughts and beliefs. I think we all have truths and even faith that there’s something more than what we’re living in the world.
I think we all have, to various degrees, faith in a God or a Creator but we keep this hidden in fear of ridicule. And we need to stop doing this to one another. We need to allow each person to “come out of their spiritual closet” and share what they believe and express it in their own personal way.
We need to be courageous in realizing our inner dreams for ourselves. We need to allow others to do the same. And in the expression is found the ongoing ability to continue to live the life that we desire for ourselves.
Find a way to take that one step for yourself and you’ll find others taking that one step towards you in return.